MCU Convocation Held in Korea

8 March 2564/2021: KOREA: Donggook Buddhist Chonbop College  held the MCU convocation to confer the certificates for the graduate students, who have passed all the requirements for 5 Bachelor of Arts Program (B.A) and 2 Master of Arts Program (M.A) in Buddhist studies from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in acadimic year of 2563/2020.

This university has been affiliated of MCU since 2544/2001 and established by Dr. Hu Sung-hyun (Hyun-oh) to train Dhamma teacher in February 1987 and was registered as an educational Institution for the Buddhist propagators in Korean Buddhist Chogye Order. The mail objectives of this College as a higher Buddhist educational Institution are to provide facilities for Buddhist Studies of Both Theravada and Mahayana tradition, encourage research and the relevant fields and promoted the spread of Buddhism to domestic and foreign people.

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